ITB-100HD Time Lapse

A friend and I spent some time playing around with FFMPEG today, and put together a sweet little time lapse video using about 14 hours of footage. After trimming out frames it compressed down to about 25 minutes.

If anyone is interested in doing this yourself I’ll post details about the process, and can provide a tool to make it much easier.

ITB-100SP MPH Hack

Itronics ITB-100HD SP Smart Plus

A forum user requested that the MPH modification be made to the itb-100SP firmware for the newer device. I spent some time on it last night and have a working version for anyone interested. (itb100spfw.bin v1.0)

itb-100sp Running MPH Hack

itb-100sp Running MPH Hack

I’ll add details about how I did it when I get some time.